This month’s cover profile is a compassionate and community-oriented lady who embodies faith, resilience, and kindness. A devoted grandmother and aunt, she treasures her family deeply. Her commitment to service shines through her involvement with charitable organizations, such as adopting children during the holidays and supporting causes like the Cancer Wellness Foundation and the Montgomery Humane Shelter. A successful career in banking, fueled by persistence and a willingness to learn, complements her love for relaxing moments with her animals and the peaceful ambiance of her community. Through her actions and advice, she inspires others to embrace kindness, prioritize health, and find fulfillment in service to others.
BOOM!: The Christmas season is upon us, and gathering with those we love the most can be a beautiful tradition. Tell us how the joys of being a grandmother have shaped your perspective on life.

Janet: Children are a gift from God. I had no idea what holding my first grandchild would be like, but I can tell you from the moment I saw Addie Grace, she brightened my world. The same thing happened when my grandson was born. They make me want to be a better person. I have a niece and nephew who are my heart also. They mean the world to me.
BOOM!: As we celebrate the holiday season, what’s one Christmas tradition or memory that holds special meaning for you?
Janet: My best memory was the year I received my first bike. I was brought up by a single Mother who worked as many jobs as needed to make ends meet. You could say we didn’t have much; however, I don’t know that we knew it wasn’t like this for everyone. My first bike came from the Salvation Army. When I finished with that bike, my mother donated it back to the Salvation Army. As for a favorite tradition, each year, I adopt several children through a state agency. It is truly a gift to have the ability to provide Christmas to children who feel unwanted and unloved. It’s not about the gifts. It’s about showing them they matter.

BOOM!: Since Christmas is the celebration of Christ the Savior, can you share how your faith has deepened over the years and influenced your outlook on what truly matters?
Janet: My Aunt Laura has had a ton of influence on my faith. She took my brother and I to church starting at a very young age. My Mom was normally working on the weekends. My faith has always been there, if this makes sense. The change over the last 10 years is how I show my faith by trying to be kind to everyone. Kindness is one of the virtues of being a Christian. Being more prayerful has also been crucial. Take everything to God in prayer.
BOOM!: Faith and our experiences do bring a different mindset with age. How would you describe this shift, and what advice would you give others navigating this same stage of life?
Janet: As I have aged, I have become more “heavenly” minded vs. “earthly” minded. Experiences such as helping others, spending time with others, and providing food for those less fortunate are much more fulfilling than purchasing something I thought I wanted. Faith has shifted “wants” from being my focus.
BOOM!: At age 43, you started a health journey that transformed your life. What sparked that decision?
Janet: I have always been overweight. As a child, I was always described as the “chubby” one. I hated to have my picture taken. I did not like the person in the mirror. As I got older, I knew good health would be important. Also, my husband had health issues. I wanted to do anything possible to not grow older, being out of shape and overweight. I had tried many diets, but not too faithfully, of course. The old adage “if you eat right and exercise” was a last resort for me. I joined a gym in Jan 2010 and haven’t looked back. I met a group of ladies who held me accountable. They played an important role in deepening my sense of faith. They cared about me, and it showed. As my mental health improved and my faith became stronger, my physical appearance changed.

Before Buddy died, he told me I looked nothing like the person he married. He was amazed at how committed I was to becoming physically and mentally healthy. I like to say it’s the one goal I set for myself and then actually accomplished it. It’s a great feeling. I have to stop myself from telling others, “It can be done the way your doctor tells you to do it!”
BOOM!: You’ve said that liking yourself helped you like so many other things. What advice would you give to someone struggling to prioritize their health or self-worth?
Janet: Happiness starts from within. Happiness also comes from being secure in your faith. As my health journey evolved, my self-worth became stronger, and it showed. My faith deepened as a result. We can choose to be positive each and every day.
BOOM!: Your career journey started as a bank teller and grew into your role as a Senior Vice President, including where you are now at River Bank and Trust. What lessons from those early years still guide you today?
Janet: Be persistent when you want something. I almost didn’t get hired at Central Bank of the South. I was told I had no experience. In my third interview, I told them if you give me this chance, I can promise you won’t regret it. I was hired in August 1985. I was fortunate to be trained and work with a group of the best. I have learned God always puts me where I need to be. I was taught early on to learn from others. Last, we are taught to never say, “That’s not my job”.
BOOM!: Banking can be demanding. How do you like to relax and wind down from a full day of activity?

Janet: I sit with my animals to relax. It may only be a few minutes, but it’s the best time of day. Also, living in The Waters, my house is close to the Chapel. I sit on my screened porch and listen to the music being played when there are weddings. It’s beautiful.
BOOM!: You’re involved in several community organizations, including Reality and Truth Ministries and the Montgomery Humane Shelter. How do these causes align with your personal values?
Janet: Unfortunately, in our area, we have a large number of people who are food insecure. Specifically, we have children who don’t have enough food to eat each day. This is unacceptable. Children and animals don’t deserve the life handed to them. They come into this world innocent. At some point, it’s an adult turning the tables on them. Either not providing food, basic necessities, or shelter. This is wrong. As for animals, I believe in spaying and neutering. We have too many unwanted animals. This would improve with spaying and neutering.
BOOM!: Your love for animals led you to the Montgomery Humane Shelter. What’s one moment or story from your time there that has deeply touched your heart?

Janet: I don’t have a specific story about the animals, but when Buddy first died, I decided to take my gifts to the MHS holiday gift wrap center. Lea and Glenda were there for me. I cried every time I went in there. I have been taking my gifts there for 10 years straight. We have one of the best-run shelters in the state. They work hard to save our animals. Unfortunately, not all can be saved. Between the workers and volunteers, the animals are loved on and cared for daily. It’s grueling work that takes a toll mentally and physically. In my retirement, I hope to volunteer full-time at the shelter.
BOOM!: Just about all of us have been affected by cancer. Can you tell us about your work at the Cancer Wellness Foundation and what drives your passion for serving on their board?
Janet: Yes! 100% of the funds raised at CWF are used in our area. This is huge! There are patients who can’t afford medicine, food, or transportation to and from the Cancer Center. They will do without the meds to buy food, which is unacceptable. A choice should not have to be made.
BOOM!:You clearly are invested in making the River Region a better place. What do you like about living in the Pike Road/River Region area? What do we need more of?
Janet: For me, Pike Road offers a sense of family and community. We can each do our part by being involved or attending the Christmas tree lighting, bike trails, the Art Center, 4th of July celebration, local sports and theatre groups. It allows us to step back from electronics, get outside, and spend time together.
BOOM!: What are some of your favorite travel experiences? Favorite getaway spot? Are any travel dreams planned?

Janet: In 2023 I went on a River Cruise to Belgium and surrounding areas. Belgium was a dream come true. It lived up to my expectations. It was exactly like a Hallmark Movie! In 2025, I will be traveling with friends to the Amalfi Coast. We will visit Croatia and the surrounding areas. I am certainly looking forward to this.
BOOM!: Give us three words that describe you.
Janet: My Mom always referred to me as tender-hearted, giving, and impatient.
BOOM!: If you could give one gift to your community this Christmas season—tangible or intangible—what would it be, and why?
Janet: The encouragement to pay it forward. Do something for someone less fortunate. I read this quote recently: “It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.” -Helen Walton